Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Yahoo Case Management Essay Example
Yahoo Case Management Essay Yahoo! is a digital media company that delivers digital content across the World Wide Web. Yahoo! operates across the globe reaching to the Americas, EMEA, and the Asia Pacific. They are headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA and currently employees 13,600 people at the end of the FY2010 year. Yahoo! ’s current mission is to connect people to their passions, their communities, and the world’s knowledge. Yahoo! rovide many different services to their users and a one stop place to browse the web, check email, look at the news, check current finances, and much more. They have a place for small businesses to keep track of emails and websites. Yahoo! gets most of their revenue through selling display and search advertising. Some of their current objectives and strategies are to provide their users with the most update and efficient information possible. They want their users to be happy and continue using their site to satisfy their needs. There are eleven people within Yahoo! s top management. Ross B. Levinsohn was named CEO after Scott Thompson resigned from his position as CEO. Thompson had fraudulent information on his resume and one of Yahoo! ’s third party member found it. Yahoo was in the process of suing Facebook for supposedly stealing patents from Yahoo!. Facebook is now countersuing Yahoo! , saying that Yahoo! was the one who stole the patents. Yahoo! ’s demographics stated that more men viewed Yahoo! than women. No matter what someone’s income was wasn’t a determinant of whether or not they used the site. The political and legal segments of the firm refer to the laws and regulations of companies that react in industries with competitor companies. These rules and regulations may be set within the firm by the Board of Directors or outside of the firm by government policies. Yahoo! ’s Board of Directors are the ones responsible for setting the standards for the company’s officers, directors, and employees. Yahoo! has a very strong competitive environment. Some of Yahoo! ’s direct competitors include: AOL Inc. , Google Inc. , Microsoft, Face book Inc. All of these companies compete in the Internet Service Providers industries. We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo Case Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo Case Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Yahoo Case Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Each one of these companies may be in a similar industry but they each have different company beliefs. The threat of new entrants is relatively weak. Although the Internet does provide ease for anyone at any time to create their own website, for them to actually be compatible with Yahoo! there many entry barriers they would have to consider. Some of the opportunities that we found for this company included: increased mobile content consumption, increasing digital advertising, merging positions with AOL Inc. , a distribution strategy centered on using the popularity of social networks. Some of the threats included: the intense competition, decline in market share, increased dependence on advertising revenues exposed Yahoo! to business cycles. The number of users that access Yahoo! ’s many different applications is one of the biggest strengths that they have. This large customer base attracts many different companies looking to advertise on Yahoo! ’s websites. In the United States alone, Yahoo! attracts 187 million users. That is more that Google (176 million), Facebook (154 million), and AOL (114 million). Its company leads in 12 different online categories with Yahoo! Finance being one of the biggest ones. HISTORY Yahoo was found by David Filo and Jerry Yang, PhD candidate in electrical engineering at Stanford University, in February of 1994. It started as a hobby that began a new way that people communicated across the globe. They started making lists of their favorite links and spending more time on that than on their doctoral dissertations. Yahoo! is an acronym for â€Å"Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle†, but they both said they chose the name because of the definition of Yahoo! : â€Å"rude, unsophisticated, uncouth. †(Yahoo! History, 2012)Yahoo! had its first million hit in 1994. They knew they had a fast growing business, due to the heavy flow of traffic on their site. They met with many venture capitalists, until the met Sequoia Capital which is a â€Å"well regarded firm who has had many successful investments such as, Apple Computer, Atari, Oracle and Cisco Systems†. (Yahoo! History, 2012)Sequoia Capital agreed to invest in yahoo in April of 1995 and invested nearly $2 million in them. Once things began to look up they started look for a management team. Tim Koogle was their first hire and CEO. He was a veteran of Motorola and he was also an alumnus of Stanford University also with a degree in engineering. In April of 1996 they had a success IPO launch and had 49 employees to their company. Yahoo! is currently the leading global internet communications provider. It offers a broad network to over 345 million people worldwide. www. Yahoo!. com reaches out to audiences all across the globe; it is the No. 1 internet brand across the globe as well. Yahoo! is currently headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA with other offices in countries like Asia, Europe, Australia, and Latin America. During the year end of 2010 Yahoo! had a 2. 1% decrease in revenues compared to 2009. Yahoo! ’s operating profits had a 99. 8% increase over year 2009. Yahoo! ’s net profit for 2010 was $1,231. 7 million compared to $598 million in 2009. MISSION/OBJECTIVES/STRATEGIES Yahoo! ’s vision is to â€Å"deliver your world, your way. †They do that by using technology, insights, and intuition to create deeply personal digital experience that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them. Their mission is to connect people to their passions, their communities, and the world’s knowledge. Yahoo! s objective for their business to survive is to provide maximum services and quality to their users to be able to find what they are searching for on their site. Yahoo! needs to increase the amount of users that use their search engine and be able to provide quick services to their users. Yahoo! needs to focus on the important applications and be able to provide for the users who use their services. Yahoo! ’s strategies are to increase the number of sharing of content and services to be able to ensure their users are happy with their services. Yahoo! should also provide services for their users all across the globe. Industries/Products/Competition Yahoo! ’s main industry is internet information providers. They provide the world with a one stop place to be able to search the World Wide Web and keep a check with the latest news and finances. â€Å"Yahoo! ’s offerings include Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! groups, Yahoo! Answers, Flickr, and Connected TV. †(Business Discription, 2012) These provide a wide variety of communication and social services to users and small businesses. Yahoo! ’s key products and services include News, Email, Music, Video, TV, search services, local advertising, social networking and mobile applications. Most Yahoo! ’s services are free of charge but some of their offers do cost a small fee. Yahoo! ’s revenue is based off of their offerings. Yahoo! ’s free email is available so you can keep in touch with friends and family across the globe. Yahoo! offers a lot of services to different types of people globally. They have a place for your small business to be able to create and maintain a domain, an email, a website, and lastly a place where you can sell your products and services online to customers across the globe. Yahoo! is a great one stop shop for the latest news and weather. Yahoo! ’s top competitors are Google, MSN, and AOL. They have to keep up with the latest trends to be able to be the best. Unlike Google, Yahoo! offers many different services right on their homepage. You don’t have to search for the weather or news its right there on their homepage. Yahoo! is a great site to use when you just want the latest on what’s going on. Top Management There are seven employees on board for the top management position of the company Yahoo! Inc. The Interim Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice President and Head of Global Media are Ross B. Levinsohn. Levinsohn is accountable for all of the company’s digital media business, which include the strategy, partnerships, vision, engineering, and content structure for all of Yahoo! ’s properties and global experience. Michael J. Callahan is the Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel. In 2007, he became the executive vice president. Before he took on the role as the executive vice president he was served as the senior vice president. Callahan is in charge of the public policy and worldwide legal affairs. Callahan advises Yahoo! ’s board of directors on corporate and strategic governance issues. David Dibble also serves as one of the Executive Vice President and is also over the Central Technology Organization. Dibble job requirements is making sure Yahoo! up and running efficiently all over the world. He has to be make sure that the basic technology, information security and application management are running smoothing as well. He is also responsible for charting a clear transportation roadmap for Yahoo! maps and directions. Dibble is also required to make sure the performance of the site is running up-to-date too. David Filo is the co-founder and chief at Yahoo! Inc. Filo is from Louisiana and co-founded Yahoo! Inc. in 1994. He job requirements is to direct the industrial operations behind Yahoo! Inc. and is the key technologist. Filo takes credit for helping construct Yahoo! into the most vastly trafficked website and a popular name brand. Timothy R. Morse is the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President. Morse manages Yahoo! ’s finances, mergers and acquisitions and investor relations. Rich Riley became the American Executive Vice President in April of 2012. He handles all of the operations for consumers, partners, and advertisers in the American regions and all the go to market activities. Riley has been with the company for thirteen years and he was the created of the toolbar that we still use today. In 2009 he became the Senior Vice president and the Managing Director in Europe. Riley help Yahoo! back on track when it was down in the weakest region. Rose Tsou was the general manager in 2000 and got a promotion in April of 2007 to where she was is now as the Senior Vice President of the APAC region. Tsou duties are to manage Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Korea, India, and Taiwan. Tsou is on the board in New Zealand and Australia for the joint venture operations. In 2001, she help productively formed the internet brand with Taiwan. She helped with the formation of Wretch which is now one of the hottest blog and photo site. David Windley is the Chief Human Resources officer and the Executive Vice President. He is the team leader of the global human resource team. Windley is responsible for motivating the company’s global strategies with talent and culture and organization efficiency. Mark Morrissey is Senior Vice President of Core Platforms. He looks after the foundational platforms, technology and research to allow customers products and leverage of Yahoo! s data store. He is accountable for our display advertising, information and analytical platforms, consumer and global platforms, and the Yahoo! labs. Christophe Parcot is the Senior Vice President and Managing Director of Yahoo! EMEA. He oversees all the go-to-market behavior and operations for consumers, partners, and advertisers in the EMEA area. He is responsible for all the sale s operations too. Shashi Seth is the Senior Vice President, Connections of business. He is responsible for all the company interactions with all of its 700 million users. The connections group is he responsible for Yahoo! Search, Mail, Flickr, IntoNow, Messenger, Answers, Groups, and the social bar. Current Issues One major issue involved with Yahoo! Inc. is dealing with the resigning of the Chief Executive Officer, Scott Thompson. He stepped down from his position on May 13, 2012 after only being the CEO for a short four month period. Thompson exaggerated his credentials he received from Stone Hill College. Thompson was the former PayPal president and was hired by Yahoo! in January of 2011. He was hired because Yahoo! as hoping that Thompson would help end the Web portal from struggling. On May 3, 2012, a principal shareholder with 5. 8% stake in Yahoo! , Daniel Loeb revealed that Thompson’s degree had fraudulent information. Loeb stated that Thompson had only received his accounting degree but not his computer science. Thompson leaving will be very costly for the company. Thompson will receive his annual base salary of $1 million, his hiring bonus of $1. 5 million in cash money and also $5. 5 million in stock. According to regulatory filings, he will also get an incentive equity award that is valued at $5 million. He is also entitled to compensation two times the amount of his annual salary. After the resigning of Thompson, this is the third CEO to be discharged from Yahoo! within the last eight months. Yahoo! Inc. might suffer a negative impact on its shareholder’s trust. Yahoo! is one of the biggest brand names out there but it has not been performing up to par. Even though Yahoo! is a big name brand, it is performing very inadequately within the last few years. Some of the biggest social networking sites have been taking over Yahoo! ’s market share. Yahoo! Inc. market share is dropping. It went down 2% points just since September. In September 2011 Yahoo! had about a 15. 5% market share of searches in the United States and now in the month of May 2012 it has dropped to 13. 5%. Since the market share has been declining for Yahoo! , Google and Bing have been gaining in market share. With the new CEO in office hopefully there will be some new changes into getting Yahoo! market share value back up to where it should be. With all the new changes Yahoo! is going through and Levinsohn is in office as the interim chief executive officer, he is faced with a big crisis. Levinsohn has to make the choice to sell some of the stake in Alibaba back to the internet company for seven billion dollars but Daniel Loeb will approve the transaction. Alibaba is one the largest internet based company where you can trade with other companies, shop, and it has a search engine based in China. Yahoo! China and Alibaba formed together in 2005. Some reports found that Yahoo! the company’s performance and graphics have been going downhill the past eight years. The company’s management problems are not helping. The internet traffic site has gone down . 7% within a year. The market cap is falling too. In the year of 2006 it a value at $54. 9 billion and now in 2012 it is $17. 26. In April of 2012 it was $18. 8. Yahoo! ’s revenue growth has been falling as low as -13. 20%. The expenses at Yahoo! keep rising and is over $1 billion where as it was just in the millions a couple of years back. Hopefully with all the new changes taking place Yahoo! Inc. can get back on its feet and get back where it use to be. Also another major issue going on with the company Yahoo! is their lawsuit with Facebook. Yahoo! is claiming that Facebook has stolen ten patent ideas from Yahoo!. The patents that Yahoo! s claiming that Facebook stole from them are: †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"U. S. Patent No. 6,907,566 Method and system for optimum placement of advertisements on a webpage, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,100,111 Method and system for optimum placement of advertisements on a webpage, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,373,599 Method and system for optimum placement of advertisements on a webpage, †¢U. S. Patent N o. 7,668,861System and method to determine the validity of an interaction on a network, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,269,590Method and system for customizing views of information associated with a social network user, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,599,935 Control for enabling a user to preview display of selected content based on another users authorization level, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,454,509 Online playback system with community bias, †¢U. S. Patent No. 5,983,227 Dynamic page generator, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,747,468 Contents consignment sale system and method for networking broadcasting, †¢U. S. Patent No. 7,406,501 System and method for instant messaging using an e-mail protocol†. (Yahoos 10 patents that it claims Facebook infringed, 2012) Now Facebook is in the process of countersuing Yahoo!. Facebook is claiming that Yahoo! is infringing on their patents. Sociocultural Sociocultural is defined as â€Å"the concern with a society’s attitudes and cultural value†. (Hitt, 2009) Yahoo! ’s value shapes the culture and defines the character the company. The value and culture is at the heart of what they do and who the company is. The value that Yahoo! is committed to is achieving integrity. Leadership is earned and should never be taking lightly. Yahoo! aims to have a faultless implementation and does it best to achieve the quality. (Yahoo Investor Relations, 2012) Changes in social trends may impact the demand for a company’s product and availability as well as the business production and marketing activities. These trends can also affect individual’s willingness to work. The sociocultural environment influences individual’s expectations, attitudes, achievements, and responsibilities of the company and its management. Management firms take into consideration several external elements when doing an external assessment of the business. Political factors dissect the legal, political, and governmental aspects of a business and include such things as: government-driven tax laws, trade agreements, regulated prices, incentives, and manufacturing requirements. Political stability is an important consideration. Social factors are another key element which includes the way Americans work, live, produce, and consume. With the aging society of America, billions of people who are outside the US may be in market for American products. Demographics The demographics for Yahoo! Inc. by age and gender that look at Yahoo! on a daily basis are compared to the population of the users on the internet in general: Yahoo! : Internet Users: Below 24- Men 13%, Women 12%Men 9%, Women 37% 25 to 34- Men 15%, Women 10%Men 9%, Women 8% 35 to 44- Men 11%, Women 8%Men 8%, Women 7% 5 to 54- Men 9%, Women 6%Men 7%, Women 4% 55 to 64- Men 6%, Women 5%Men 4%, Women 3% Above 65- Men 4%, Women 1%. Men 3%, Women 1% From this distribution of the ages and gender, Men look at Yahoo! Inc. or use the internet more than women do. This is probably true because Yahoo! offers more for the male gender with the Yahoo! Sports and Finance tabs. When looking at the location for the United States, Massachusetts rank number one in the st ate that visited Yahoo! the most. California was second and Texas ranked third. Then you have Georgia, Washington, New York, Virginia, Illinois, Florida, and then Indiana. It is very close for race for the states coming in fourth through tenth. When looking at the global distribution the United States ranks number one for the most use out of the websites. The Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Romania, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India, United Kingdom, and Taiwan are in a close tie with what global country uses the website the most. Yahoo! Inc. leads its rival’s with the amount of user traffic. Yahoo! ’s website is clicked on globally with over 2. 4 billion page views though out its 25 international website and the 13 languages you can choose. Yahoo! lso attracts more the 627 million visitors a month. This reaches about 47. 4% of the global population. Yahoo! Inc. headquarters in Sunnyvale, California but has offices all the world including India, Latin America, and China. Yahoo! Inc income distribution levels are closely similar to each other no matter the income of the house hold. The users whose average income ranges from $0-$30k, $30-60k, $60-$1 00k and $100k-+ are similar to the general population. The households where the income is $100k and more looks at Yahoo! closely the same as the households where the income is $0-$30k. The ethnic mixes of the web searchers for Yahoo! are the African, African American, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and other. The African Americans’ spend more time searching with the website Yahoo! then the Middle Eastern. The Asians and Caucasians spend more time on the website than any other race. The Hispanic and Africans are viewing the site about the same percentage. Economic Environment The economic environment includes the consumer price index, gross domestic product, and the strength of today’s dollar. Yahoo! Inc. needs to have correct information about our economy. Yahoo! ’s expenditures by their advertisers have a tendency to have a recurring cycle, reflecting overall economic environment and budgeting and buying patterns. Yahoo! Inc. gets most of their revenues from the advertising. If any advertising decreases then that can result in the revenue for the company. Yahoo! Inc is very dependent on their brand and a mishap on the brand name can result in cost-effective conduct could hurt the business operating cycle. The earnings of Yahoo! depend on the customers and how much the advertisers are spending on their websites. This year the decision was made to ramp up election coverage by partnering with ABC news, a new web show â€Å"Remake America†and a new blog â€Å"The Signal†. Wayne Powers, Yahoo! ’s SVP of North America sales, stated that the company sees this as a real opportunity and focus for the year. He also stated that Cox Digital Solutions will be the exclusive company for the political issues and advocacy advertising. Powers explained how Cox would be focusing campaign money specific to issues that deal with jobs and health care while Yahoo! ’s sales team would be working with advertisers that wanted their messages tied into the high-traffic election issues. Yahoo! ’s outgoing CEO Thompson had stated that data will attribute to the company’s turnaround and play a major role in the multiplatform political advertising capabilities. Political/Legal Environment The political and legal segments of the firm include all of the external issues and benefits relating to the firm. First off we would like to mention the privacy bill of rights as one of the major trends under the political and legal environment. This bill has a purpose of protecting consumer’s privacy from the data collected online. This bill of rights is said to be voluntary but as of right now we know that Yahoo! Google, AOL, and MSN have agreed to become a part of this. The pushing of this bill requires search engine sites to add a â€Å"Do Not Track†device to the website. If the consumer chooses this device, said to be represented by blue triangle icons on the edges of some digital ads, then a direct indication will be sent to the companies that colle ct this records for advertising purposes. The indication will let the companies know that the user does not want to be tracked. Currently there are many lawsuits between the companies of Yahoo! and Facebook. Yahoo! irst eluded that Facebook was responsible for stealing ten patents from the company. This statement from an article explains more, â€Å"Yahoo Inc sued Facebook Inc over 10 patents that include methods and systems for advertising on the Web, opening the first major legal battle among big technology companies in social media. †(Yahoo sues Facebook for infringing 10 patents, 2012) Through reading this article we saw that Yahoo! had not decided to take their issues to legal term until after the announcement of Facebook’s public offering that could have resulted in Facebook being valued at $100 billion dollars. Many people know of the financial duress Yahoo! has incurred over the past couple of year and wonder if this is a means of acquiring capital. A spokesperson of Facebook, Jonathan Thaw says,†Were disappointed that Yahoo, a longtime business partner of Facebook and a company that has substantially benefited from its association with Facebook, has decided to resort to litigation. †(Yahoo sues Facebook for infringing 10 patents, 2012) Many people also feel that this could not have been a smart move on Yahoo! ’s behalf, since Facebook was responsible for many of Yahoo! s benefits. We now know that Facebook has retaliated and now has a pending lawsuit against Yahoo!. There recently have been many new partnership made on Yahoo! ’s behalf. Some of these partnerships include Yahoo! merging with ABC News and LG Electronics. Yahoo! has also introduced Genome, which was created by Yahoo! this year in hopes of bettering online marketing campaigns. We feel that politica lly Yahoo! will benefit from the Genome. One of the main reasons for creating such a program for Yahoo! was to increase their ROIs. Genome was designed to help marketers organize campaigns to help meet their objectives and build brand value. The News segment of Yahoo! is revolving daily touches on subjects of U. S. news, local news, business news, entertainment news, sports, politics, technology, health, travel, sciences and opinion news. Yahoo! conducts annual business human rights webcasts. The new partnership with ABC is based on using mobile devices to directly channel users through apps. The users can enter to win prizes after watching their favorite shows. The application is title Yahoo! IntoNow mobile application. By using the IntoNow application viewers can chat about their favorite shows through Twitter and Facebook. Technological Environment As we know that Yahoo! is a digital media company, and an Internet Web based company, the technological environment is very important to the growth of this company. In today’s society digital media is one of the fastest growing industries and also one of the fastest growing industries the world has ever seen. Yahoo! has a developer network called Yahoo! Geo Technologies. This section of Yahoo! lets users create individual portfolios and share them via Internet. Not only does Yahoo! Inc. ave a private technologies section where you can find the latest information on all of the upcoming technologies; you can blog about it, and read technologies news headlines as fast as they are put online. Yahoo! has made itself available through all of the â€Å"smart†technology, purchasing itself an â€Å"app†where you may access this portal thro ugh any smart device such as cell phones. Competitive Environment Yahoo! has a very strong competitive environment. Some of Yahoo! ’s direct competitors include: AOL Inc. , Google Inc. , Microsoft, Face book Inc. All of these companies compete in the Internet Service Providers industries. Each one of these companies may be in a similar industry but they each have different company beliefs. The mission statement of Yahoo! says,†to connect people to their passion, their communities, and the word’s knowledge†. Google provides the largest catalog of web sites and other material, and makes this material available to anyone who can get an internet connection for free. Google’s automatic search technology helps consumers find instant access to significant information from their online catalog. Microsoft’s mission â€Å"our missions and values are to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. About Microsoft, 2012)†AOL is just an internet service provider who combines the influence of the Internet with its own standard services. Industry Analysis First, the threat of new entrants is relatively weak. Although the Internet does provide ease for anyone at any time to create their own website, for them t o actually be compatible with Yahoo! there many entry barriers they would have to consider. For this reason many people could argue that the threat of new entrants would be high because of the ease of creating new websites but in no way would the enter being a direct competitor of Yahoo! hat would take much time. Since we know that Yahoo! was established and has been successful for many years, we can also conclude that this company has faced many issues in getting the business brand where it is today. Some of the barriers to entry include: capital investments, economies of scale, switching cost, loyalty of the brand, and an absolute cost advantage. For a company to measure up to the level of success that Yahoo! is it would need a substantial amount of monetary funds. Millions in fact of dollars would be necessary for the development and startup of a site like Yahoo!. In many instances it takes an extended amount of time for a company to build its name/reputation and even longer to attract users. Start up Internet providers would not be smart in trying to compete on the level that this company does. The information mentioned earlier about the ease of new entrants into making their own websites is still very relevant to the success of Yahoo!. Although these companies are not direct threats in the beginning it is always necessary to watch the growth rate of these little companies. Yahoo! has to continually find new attractions, that competitors dont have, and ways to keep their customers loyal. The threat of new entrants in search engine market is moderately low because competitors, Google Facebook Inc. , have many servers all over the world that captures so much information about user behavior, a new entrant would have to provide more sufficient search results at faster speed. These new competitors would also be forced to present information from different sources in a more integrated and customized way. Since the turn of the 20th century in this competitive market, the new entrants have to have an absolute cost advantage comparing to others. The new entrants must come up with a better, cheaper and more efficient plan to collect information from diverse parties and allocate the information from itself. Also new entrants have lower cost of producing the services compared with Yahoo!. This brand loyalty is a harsh entry barrier to overcome unless the rival product offering is of primarily and considerably greater worth than what Yahoo! is contributing. Secondly the bargaining power of the buyers/customers is high because of the availability of substitutes, switching cost and the undifferentiated services. Because there are so many search engines in this industry other that Yahoo! users can switch to other engines if they want to with great ease. For this to happen the other engines must prove that they have a substantial amount of performance over Yahoo!. This means that there are absolutely no switching costs for Yahoo! users to switch to Google, AOL Inc. , or Microsoft. One of the main goals of Yahoo! is to get their users on the website and maintain their interest for multiple hours. Through this idea they hoped to attract many people with many different ages at all points and times during the day. Through research we conclude that the advertisers are another of the buyers of Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! must strive hard to keep their eye popping ads so maintain the continuation of their advertisers. The services that Yahoo! offers are diverse from any other competing internet server. At the home page of Yahoo! you can find any and everything in the entertainment division without have to do numerous searches. The services that Yahoo! ’s rivals carry is much undifferentiated from theirs. Third, the barg
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